


眼鏡佩戴者眼球與光學眼鏡片的距離和眼鏡框的傾斜角度,是主要影響視覺舒適的關鍵,眼鏡框的調教可動性能優化的佩戴者的舒適度。 由於鈦金屬硬度比其他金屬大,雷射切割後邊緣不會像其他金屬平滑,0.8mm厚度眼鏡front part也難於在傳統滾筒拋光機器上打磨(因為容易打曲),最傳統手動打磨是較佳處理方法,只是處理時間較長,但我覺得這樣製作的眼鏡更有(溫度)。(hand made in Hong Kong)通常一副手造鈦金屬眼鏡框,人手打磨工序約30分鐘。 Hong Kong is the no.1 city with most eyesight problems citizens in the world, because there is not much chance to see long distance objects in the city as Hong Kong is mostly surrounding by so many buildings, also most of the people do not have enough living space since the 50’s till now, therefore the Hong Kong citizens have more experience of wearing spectacles than other peoples in the world in the same period. Meanwhile, there are so many imported eyewear brands supply to the Hong Kong market but it is rarely found with local design and production. I was born and living in Hong Kong, and I wore my first eyeglasses when I was 14 years old with -3.0 degree myopia. Afterward, I registered as an optometrist in Hong Kong at the same time when I was started to work in optical shop business, eyewear distributions, investment and involved to design eyewear brands in the last 30 years. This Year in 2020 I start a new eyewear brand named 22° eyewear, it was designed and produced in Hong Kong, the brand logo 22°16-38N is the Coordinate of Hong Kong which is 22.16-22.38 degree latitude north on earth, I would like to bring the city’s core and aesthetics to the world. www.22deyewear.com #22degree_eyewear #pazo_ho_design 22degree eyewear http://22deyewear.com info@22deyewear.com No242 Hollywood Hong Kong Map https://goo.gl/maps/gWT1jbXm7gnohC8w8 Pazo Ho

